Kenneth Reed Photo

About Us
We train and compete in obedience, rally, agility, water, and conformation venues. Always owner handled, our dogs have titled in each of these areas of competition.
Our breed affiliations are with the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America and
Nutmeg Portuguese Water Dog Club. We are also active members in SOTC
(Syracuse Obedience and Training Center), located in Central New York.
Recognized by the AKC as a Breeder of Merit since September 2013.
Our History
Cosmic Portuguese Water Dogs began in 2003 with the arrival of our first litter, but our infatuation with Portuguese
Water Dogs began in 1998 when we brought our first PWD, Ch Watermark Time Will Tell MX MXJ WWD Multi-AOM SROM
CGC, home.
That fall, while we attended the 1998 PWDCA National Specialty held in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, we were introduced to
agility and witnessed firsthand the incredible athletic ability of the Portuguese Water Dog. We knew right a way, this
sport was for us.
In 2001, Cosmo with his stoic beauty, intelligence, and working drive, finished his AKC championship completely owner-handled, while simultaneously earning his Novice, Open, and Excellent agility titles.
In 2000, the addition of a female puppy, “Minnow”, Watermark Sea Minnow CD RN AX AXJ WWD SROM, made our family complete.
The fall of 2001, found us awed by water trial performances at the PWDCA National Specialty in Warwick Rhode Island.
We immediately recognized this sport that showcased the Portuguese Water Dog’s incredible ability and determination to complete tasks resembling what the PWD was bred to do, was for Cosmo and Minnow. Together, the following summer,
they made their debut in water, both earning Apprentice Water Dog titles at our first trial. One month later, at the 2002 PWDCA National Specialty in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, they both earned their Working Water Dog titles.
We returned from the 2002 National Specialty filled with profound admiration for the Portuguese Water Dog, a great
sense of pride in our dogs, and excitement for our future with them and the remarkable PWD breed.

Contact Us:
Last Update:
November 23, 2022
Elsie earns 1st CD leg @ SOTC Obedience trial 11.19.22
Cosmo x Kipper litter anticipated
January 16, 2023